Radiation Safety Refresher Training - Regulations

Radiation Safety Refresher Training - Regulations

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This module reviews radiation safety regulations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), other Federal Agencies, and States. NRC has responsibility for regulating the use of:

• Source material (uranium and thorium)

• Special nuclear material (enriched uranium and plutonium)

• Byproduct material (material made radioactive in a reactor and residues from the milling of uranium and thorium).

Some states have agreements with NRC to regulate the use of some radioactive materials within their borders. This includes radioisotopes used by industry and in medicine. In addition, States may regulate the use of radiation producing machines (such as X-ray machines) and naturally-occurring or other artificially-produced radioactive materials not made in a reactor. This Regulations module informs you of your responsibility to minimize occupational exposure to radiation, monitor internal and external dose, understand the dose limits for workers and members of the public, and much more.